Wisdom Teeth Removal in Okotoks

Wisdom teeth, called third molars, are the last adult teeth to emerge. They usually emerge around 17-21 years of age. They often don’t emerge at all or at an angle and can cause problems. You might have an impacted wisdom tooth, which means the tooth didn’t fully erupt and may require emergency dental care.

  • Has grown at an angle either towards the next tooth or towards the back of the mouth
  • It has remained trapped inside the jaw and has not emerged fully

Wisdom teeth can cause significant discomfort and pain and are even more prone to decay because they cannot be cleaned properly. Many dentists recommend extracting your wisdom tooth to prevent future problems.

Why do I need to remove my wisdom teeth?

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth can sometimes emerge partially or not emerge at all. This can make it challenging to clean them and cause additional problems with your other teeth and gums.

Here are a few signs that you need to remove your wisdom tooth:

Impacted teeth: This is the most common problem with wisdom teeth. It happens when the wisdom tooth fails to emerge from the jaw fully. It can also appear at an angle, thus increasing the risk of pain, infection, and misalignment.
The dеntist will assеss your oral hеalth, possibly using X-rays, to determine the position of your wisdom teeth and thе nееd for rеmoval.
Sinus problems: Wisdom teeth can create pressure when they are too close to your sinuses. Sinuses are hollow spaces in your skull filled with air. They can also cause headaches and congestion.
Thе dentist will administer local anesthesia or sеdation to ensure you are comfortable and pain-frее during thе procеdurе.
Cysts are fluid-filled sacs of tissue that can form anywhere in the body. They can form above a wisdom tooth and cause pain and infection.
Thе dentist or oral surgeon will carefully extract thе wisdom tееth, making a small incision if nеcеssary and stitching up the incision after successful removal.
Teeth crowding and shifting: Usually, there's very little space to accommodate another set of molars in an adult jaw. This can cause other teeth to move or overlap each other to accommodate the wisdom tooth, which can result in the misalignment of the other teeth in the jaw.
Following thе procеdurе, you'll bе givеn post-opеrativе carе instructions, which typically includе rеst, a soft diеt, and thе usе of pain-relief medication. Swеlling and discomfort are common but usually subsidе in a few days.

How is wisdom teeth surgery performed?

Here's how a wisdom teeth removal surgery is performed at the dentist:

01. Initial Evaluation
Your dentist will likely ask you to get an X-ray to assess the position of your wisdom tooth.
02. Local anesthesia
On the day of the procedure, your dentist will administer local anesthesia to ensure your comfort and pain-free experience.
03. Tooth extraction
Your dentist will then extract the tooth, making an incision before the extraction and stitching it up after the procedure is done.
04. Post-operative recovery
After removing your wisdom teeth, your dentist will likely suggest a soft diet and prescribe pain-relieving medications. The swelling and discomfort will likely subside within a few days.

Wisdom teeth removal aftercare

Slight swelling and pain are common after wisdom tooth extraction. Your dentist will prescribe you pain-relieving medications and give you instructions for aftercare.

Here are some tips to speed up your recovery:

Don't spit or rinse your mouth for 24 hours after the procedure. Doing so might dislodge the clot in the wound, which is essential for healing.
After 24 hours, rinse your mouth with warm water and brush gently, avoiding the extraction area.
Eat soft foods for a few days after the procedure, and avoid tobacco since it can interfere with the healing process.
Take all your medications as prescribed by your dentist.
Take adequate rest and elevate your head while lying down to minimize bleeding.
Adеquatе rеst hеlps in a fastеr rеcovеry and avoids strеnuous activities for a few days.

Please get in touch with us if you are looking for wisdom teeth removal near you. Our team of experts at D’Arcy Dental will help you with safe and painless emergency wisdom tooth removal.

Frequently Asked Question

How long does wisdom tooth removal take?
The wisdom tooth removal procedure usually takes about an hour to complete, but the duration can vary.
What is the cost of wisdom tooth removal?
The cost of wisdom tooth removal can vary depending on the locality, the experience of the dentist, and the number of teeth that need to be extracted. However, it usually costs between $200 and $1000 per tooth.
How long does it take to recover from a wisdom tooth removal procedure?
It usually takes one to two weeks to completely heal from a wisdom tooth removal procedure.
Is wisdom teeth removal painful?
You will likely not feel pain during the surgery since you will be given anesthesia. However, you can always ask your dentist if you are still feeling pain.

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Hours of Operation

Tuesday: 11 Am – 7 Pm
Wednesday: 11 Am – 7 Pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 9 Am – 5 Pm
Saturday: 9 Am – 5 Pm
Sunday: Closed



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