Our dental professionals at D'Arcy Dental Clinic provide comprehensive dental care to help you manage and treat oral health problems. From aesthetic and cosmetic surgeries to enhance your smile to RCT and tooth crowns in Okotoks to improve your oral health, we are here to preserve your smile and prevent complicated oral health issues.
TMJ disorder is one such issue that affects the mouth's functionality and impacts the person's ability to speak and chew. The Temporomandibular Joint is a joint that connects the jawbone to the skull. The TMJ disorder refers to different conditions which affect the TMJ joint and the surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tissue
At our clinic, our TMJ Dentist in Okotoks will diagnose the problem and assist in elevating the pain and discomfort and improving jaw function.
Signs and Symptoms of TMJ Disorders
Identifying the root cause of a TMJ disorder can often be difficult. However, if symptoms are caught early, TMJ disorders can often be managed with conservative measures, including simple lifestyle changes and oral appliances. During your initial consultation, our team will use advanced technology and digital X-rays to assess the extent of damage to your jaw. Here are some signs that may indicate TMJ disorder:
Headaches or migraines
Stiffness or pain in the neck
Shoulders or backface pain
Jaw pain
Itching or numbness in the hands or fingers
Sensitive or loose teeth
Blocked ears
Tinnitus limitation of mouth opening
Cause of TMJ Disorder
The exact cause of TMJ disorder is not clear; however, different reasons can lead to TMJ disorder, like:
Trauma or injury to the jaw or TMJ
Teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism)
Misalignment of teeth or jaw
Stress and tension lead to clenching of the jaw
Treatments For Treating TMJ Disorder
After assessing your condition and severity, our dentists will suggest the best TMJ disorder treatment to help you alleviate the pain and discomfort:
Heat and cold therapy, jaw exercises, stress reduction, and diet modification can help to improve the condition.
The dentist may provide medications, including pain relievers and muscle relaxants, to reduce inflammation and relax jaw muscles.
The dentist may suggest mouthguards or splints to align the jaw, reduce teeth grinding, and prevent clenching.
The dentist may suggest orthodontic treatment for teeth alignment or occlusal adjustments so your teeth meet when you bite.
Surgical intervention is the last resort when other treatments do not improve your condition. The surgeries may include arthrocentesis, arthroscopy, or open-joint surgery to repair or replace the joint.
D'Arcy Dental Clinic- Your Partner For Keeping Your Oral Health Fit and Fine!
Are you searching for a TMJ dentist near me, and then stop searching because you are at the right place where you can find a solution to all your dental problems. Our sophisticated diagnostic equipment, surgical instruments, and board-certified dentists are available at D'Arcy Dental Clinic to provide you with the best services. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort, schedule an appointment with our dentists and get yourself checked to avoid complications that require surgical intervention.
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Hours of Operation
Tuesday: 11 Am – 7 Pm
Wednesday: 11 Am – 7 Pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 9 Am – 5 Pm
Saturday: 9 Am – 5 Pm
Sunday: Closed
Wednesday: 11 Am – 7 Pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 9 Am – 5 Pm
Saturday: 9 Am – 5 Pm
Sunday: Closed